
The new Fire Station No. 1 will be a replacement facility for the existing Fire Station No. 1 in Riverdale.

January 2025: Utility companies are mobilizing and will begin moving lines to allow for the construction of the buildings.

December 2024: The Groundbreaking Ceremony was held on Dec. 4. Hogan Construction Group will complete demolition of the site in January 2025. Georgia Power and AT&T are working to relocate underground utility lines through February 2025.

November 2024:  Fencing has been installed around the site. Relocation of utilities and power lines is set to begin in December. The Groundbreaking Ceremony was held on Dec. 4, 2024.

October 2024: A kickoff meeting was held with Hogan Construction Group to determine a construction schedule. In addition, erosion control fencing is set to be installed while communication lines are being rerouted. A groundbreaking ceremony is pending.

September 2024:  The contractor, Hogan Construction Group, is developing a tentative project timeline.

August 2024: The contractor, Hogan Construction Group, is awaiting a notice to proceed from Central Services to start the project.

July 2024:   Central Services is expected to provide the Board of Commissioners with a proposed vendor in August 2024.

June 2024: Bidding for the project has closed. The team at Central Services and committee will begin assessing the bids in preparation to make a recommendation to the Board of Commission.

May 2024:  The project is out for bid. The bid deadline is June 6, 2024. Easements needed to connect sewer lines were approved by the Board of Commission on May 21, 2024.

April 2024:  Plans have been submitted to Central Services who will develop and publish an Invitation to Bid. A general contractor is expected to be announced in July.

March 2024: Design documents have been completed and Planning Design and Construction (PDC) will provide documents to Central Services. When received, Central Services will begin the process of bid solicitation.

February 2024: Updates requested by the Clayton County Water Authority are being added to design documents by POND & Company architects.

January 2024: Review of the building plans by Community Development is complete and have been approved. Staff is currently awaiting feedback from the Clayton County Water Authority document review to move forward.


$5 million in SPLOST funds and $8.3 million from Fire Fund

Commission District

District 2

Design Firm

To Be Determined

Served by Commissioner

Commissioner Gail Hambrick