Tennis courts at International Park Tennis Center, South Clayton Recreation Center, Independence Park and Flat Shoals Park will be repaved and relined. In addition, two courts at International Park will be converted to dedicated Pickleball Courts. The project is expected to take eight to 10 months to complete.
November 2024: Paving is continuing at the Lovejoy Tennis Complex, and fence is being installed.
October 2024: Demolition and repaving have been completed at International Park, Flat Shoals Park and Independence Park. Paving has been completed at Lovejoy Tennis Complex and contractors have begun installing fencing.
September 2024: Demolition of the existing courts at the Lovejoy Soccer Complex and removal of fencing has been completed by Signature Tennis Courts Inc.
August 2024: Contractor Signature Tennis Courts Inc. has completed the resurfacing of the tennis courts at International Park, Flat Shoals Park and Independence Park. Demolition of the courts at Lovejoy Tennis Center has started.
July 2024: The courts at International Park are complete. At Flat Shoals Park, the contractor is preparing to lay the court sealant. Erosion control installation is underway. The top coating, stripes, and net installation is underway. The contractor is scheduled to begin demolition and restoration of the Lovejoy Tennis Complex in Aug. 2024.
June 2024: Crews are pressure washing the walkways around the courts at International Park and the courts have been opened to the public.
The tennis courts at Independence Park and Flat Shoals Park have been paved. Contractors will begin applying the top coating, spraying lines and applying sealant in mid July 2024.
May 2024: The courts at International Park are pending a final walk through with the contractor on June 13 to sign off on the project. Parks and Recreation will install wind screens and other equipment. At Flat Shoals Park and Independence Park contractor, Signature Tennis Courts Inc., has removed the asphalt and leveled the courts to prepare for asphalt paving.
April 2024: The paving is near completion and crews are slated to seal the courts in preparation for painting at the International Park Tennis Courts. In addition, poles for fencing are being installed, to be followed by the court fencing. Contractor Signature Tennis Courts Inc. has moved to Flat Shoals Park to start the removal of asphalt.
March 2024: Asphalt removal is complete. Leveling and paving of the courts has started at the Clayton County Tennis Center.
February 2024: Demolition is ongoing by Signature Tennis Courts Inc. Once all asphalt has been removed, ground leveling will begin.
January 2024: Signature Tennis Courts Inc. has started removing the fencing and posts around the tennis courts as well as pulling up existing asphalt at the Clayton County Tennis Center. Repaving is set to begin in early March. Demo and repaving at Lovejoy Regional Park, Independence Park and Flat Shoals Park is project to start on April 29.
$1.16 million
Commission District
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Served by Commissioner
Chairman Jeffrey E. Turner and All Commissioners